
Romantik ruha sahip genç bir rahip ile bir rahibin kızı mükemmelik arayışlarını bir oyuna dökerler.


In a tranquil North Carolina monastery, Father Thomas is counting down to retirement. But instead of looking forward to a peaceful exit, he's suddenly enthralled by mysterious Byzantine discoveries in far-off Istanbul. He needs a translator for the cryptic letters he's exchanging with the authorities and his friend Father Francis commissions young Adriel to help Father Thomas who is a young, multi-lingual priest fresh from Istanbul. Just as Adriel begins to settle in, he finds himself the subject of curiosity for Grace, Father Thomas' enigmatic daughter. She sneaks into Adriel's chamber under the guise of casual questioning but is actually driven by an intense curiosity about his murky past. Unlike her religiously traditional father, Grace is a free spirit, living for the moment and always questioning the world around her. 

Adriel and Grace dive into a unique game that tests their concept of 'perfection.' Adriel, limited by his English, is forced to play the game with expressive body language. She reciprocates with her own gestures, making their interactions a complex dance of words and movements. As they delve deeper into the game, an underlying tension builds. It's as if they're playing for higher stakes—each question from Grace pulling a new layer off Adriel's persona, each answer revealing a bit more of his hidden talents, including a remarkable skill in painting. Their playful game soon morphs into something more—a cerebral quest that challenges their understanding of perfection, adds new dimensions to their personalities, and hints at the mysteries they're both hiding.

The story of "Nemesis" should be told because it delves into the complexities of human nature and the moral struggles we face. It explores themes like redemption, the consequences of our choices, and the pursuit of spiritual and a search for perfection. These themes resonate deeply, offering audiences a chance to reflect on their own lives and beliefs. The characters' journeys through conflict and self-discovery provide a compelling narrative that speaks to the enduring human quest for meaning and connection.

In "Nemesis," the concept of perfection could symbolize the unattainable ideals that the characters strive for. This pursuit of perfection might be tied to their personal and spiritual journeys, reflecting the inherent human struggle to reconcile one's imperfections with the desire for moral and spiritual completeness. The story, through its exploration of these characters and their struggles, speaks to the broader human condition, where the quest for perfection often leads to profound insights about oneself and the world.

Investors should finance "Nemesis" due to its deep exploration of universal themes like moral struggle, redemption, and the pursuit of perfection. The compelling narrative and complex characters offer a rich storytelling experience that resonates with a wide audience. This film presents an opportunity to engage viewers in profound philosophical and ethical discussions, making it both intellectually stimulating and emotionally impactful. Its unique story and character dynamics promise a distinctive addition to the cinematic landscape.

Filmmakers should pursue projects like "Nemesis" to push the boundaries of storytelling, challenging audiences with original, thought-provoking narratives. These films not only entertain but also inspire introspection and debate, enriching the cultural discourse. By exploring complex themes and unconventional characters, filmmakers can offer fresh perspectives and foster a deeper appreciation for the nuances of the human experience, setting the stage for a new era of innovative and impactful cinema.

Several Concept Designs



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Gizli Fongogocu


Gizli Fongogocu


Gizli Fongogocu


Gizli Fongogocu


Gizli Fongogocu


Mustafa Ataş


Gizli Fongogocu


Öykü Gönül


Gizli Fongogocu


5.250 ₺ TOPLANDI
Hedef 40.000 ₺
29 Aralık 2023 - 28 Ocak 2024
Ya Hep Ya Hiç: Fonun elde edilebilmesi için proje hedefine ulaşmış olmalıdır. Hedefine ulaşmayan projelerin destekleri destekçilere iade edilir.
Proje Sahibi
Gaziantep , Türkiye
100 ₺
Sosyal Medyada Teşekkür Mesajı
0 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 100)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
02 Şubat 2024
250 ₺
İmzalı Afiş
3 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 40)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
500 ₺
Gala Davatiyesi
Gala davet bileti gönderilecektir!
3 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 20)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
750 ₺
Set Ziyareti
Seti ziyaret etme hakkı kazan!
0 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 15)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
1.000 ₺
Ekiple Zoom Toplantısı ve Soru&Cevap
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3 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 15)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
2.000 ₺
Ekipten İmzalı Kitap Seti
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Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
5.000 ₺
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0 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 5)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024
10.000 ₺
Sete Dahil Ol ve Ortak Yapımcılık!
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0 adet alındı.  (Toplam : 2)
Tahmini Gönderim Tarihi:
28 Ocak 2024